Link to motorway fully open from December 17

Latest on Cranford St road saga: The Christchurch Northern Corridor will be opening from December 17 (with a partial opening from November 30) without a definite decision being made on the future use of the lane in the section between Innes Rd and Berwick St. The Christchurch City Council meeting decided on a three month bus trial but that will not start till next February. Councillors were told by council staff they could not make decisions about the future use of the extra lane in Cranford St because a Resource Management Act/Environment Court requirement effectively took precedence over local government powers. The new express bus service from Rangiora and Kaiapoi won’t be starting till January 11, which is after the CNC (Christchurch Northern Corridor) link to the northern motorway opens. More traffic will pour down Cranford St from December 17 but council staff say it might not be as bad as anticipated as commuters begin to take their annual leave. Note: St Albans News December issue went to press before this latest twist and turn in the Cranford St saga.

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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