Calling for new blood for the St Albans Residents Association Management Committee
The St Albans Residents Association (SARA) is a proactive community organization working at the grassroots in St Albans, Christchurch.
SARA has been developing local resources and providing a local voice for St Albans since its inception in the 1960s.
The 2018 AGM is being held on September 22 at 4pm and a new Management Committee will be voted in. With the stepping down of Emma Twaddell as Chair there is an opportunity for people who value community, and want to have an influence on the development of our local resources, to join the committee.
As with all volunteer-driven organisations, SARA ebbs and flows.The power of organisations like SARA in the current environment is exciting, with community-led, local development being part of a global trend.
The Committee is responsible for the strategic and financial oversight of the Association. Members (ie: residents) are encouraged to participate in monthly meetings and lead and support local projects of their own or take on one of the 20 projects.
Residents are encouraged to nominate candidates willing to share their skills with the community, who they think would make a valuable contribution to St Albans. Nominations can be received in advance via email or at the AGM.
Here is the Nomination Form to complete online and we’ll see you at the AGM being held at the St Albans Tennis Club, 37 Dover Street on the 22 September 2019 at 4pm.
Please get in touch with any questions or thoughts.
Ring Emma on 027 288 6334 or
Sandra on 021 317 584
Mā te wā,
Emma Twaddell,
(Retiring) chair, SARA