The treasurer’s role is to maintain an overview of the association’s financial affairs, ensuring the association remains financially viable. Key to this is making sure that proper financial records and procedures are maintained; informing the committee of issues that may impact on the finances of the association and providing regular reports.
In some times it may be appropriate to establish a finance sub-committee, if this is the case the Treasurer should act as chair of this committee. The roles duties include:
General oversight:
To present budgets, accounts and financial statements as appropriate.
To make sure that appropriate and effective procedures and controls are in place.
To ensure the association’s finances and expenditure meets the requirements of the
governing documents and funding criteria.
To make a recommendation to committee on the appointment of the auditors.
To ensure that the associations finances are seen as open, transparent and accountable
to the membership and funders.
Financial planning and reporting:
To prepare and present regular financial reports to the committee.
To prepare, with auditors, the annual accounts and present those accounts at the Annual General Meeting.
To advise the committee on the financial implications of its plans.
To maintain accurate and up to date information on the organisations financial
To advise and support the committee with its fundraising activities.
Other duties
To chair the finance sub-committee – if applicable.
To lead for the organisation on all financial activity, including representing the
organisation at appropriate external meetings.
Qualities and skills required
Experience of finance systems
Fundraising knowledge
Good communications and interpersonal skills
Time commitment:
This will depend on the activities the association is currently involved with.
Usually a commitment of 4-6 hours per month would be sufficient.