A public book exchange.
The ‘Think Differently’ book exchange is an old double-glass door fridge that used to belong to the Take Away shop on my street. It will be full of books gifted by people like you, books that made you think differently about some aspect of life be it religion, love, politics, literature – anything! And it will be on a gap site.
We need your help to make it happen. On Sunday, July 17 from 3pm you need to come, with your book/s and some food or drink to share to the CORNER of Kilmore and Barbadoes Streets, city. It’s the former site of the Herbal Dispensary and Williamson Picture Framing, across from broken Piko Wholefoods. You will be given a Bookcrossing (Don’t know what this is? Click here www.bookcrossing.com ) sticker to place in your book, then you will put it on a shelf inside the fridge. Later, once there are lots of books to peruse, you will take another book home that interests you.
Now, I know some of you will be reluctant to give away such a special book, so I would suggest that you go to Amazon or a second-hand book store and buy another copy and give that one away! Just a suggestion… The book exchange is will be as good as we make it.
We encourage you to bring more than one book and some kids books too for the lowest shelf, with the theme of “Think Differently’ less strongly enforced, but still preferred!
This installation will remain on this site for at least 2 – 3 months before it relocates to another area. We want you to visit it again and again, not just at the launch event. Use it as an addition to your local library, if it’s open.
Looking forward to it!
PS: If it rains on Sunday the 17th, then we will move the opening event back by one week and we will send an email and post on Facebook to that effect.
In other amazing, super-dooper, fantasticnews: Gap Filler and Greening the Rubble will be given some money for our hard work from the City Council. That will make life easier, I tell you! Gap Filler has been made possible by a HUGE amount of voluntary hours from a couple of us and only a few paid hours each week. This is just so very helpful and we are very thankful to CCC for their vision and commitment to our work. And for those of you who had not yet heard, we are now supported by the sparkly new Gap Filler Trust. Onward and upward, I say!