The SVA and Entré (the entrepreneurship challenge at UC) with support from Gap Filler, have combined to introduce a new and exciting competition: “In Our Backyard.”
We are searching for six small areas around Christchurch that need to be made awesome. Similar to GAP Filler, we want to allow a team of students to design, and build a project that can be built on a piece of land/ corner of a street/ front of a house/ shop window/ or painted on a wall.
We locate a series of areas around the city that we can photograph and display at the University. Students then come up with an idea/ make a design and enter that design into a competition. The best designs are chosen, and given $500 + a team of volunteers to help bring their ‘gap’ to life.
Each project intends to stay in the location for 2 months, then we vacate it and return the land to how it was. We will negotiate with the business/ land owner and work with what ever you have to offer!
Applications open on Monday 14th May. Come along to the Undercroft at UC from 5.30pm to 6.30pm to hear how you can sweeten up Christchurch, and grab a free gelato while you’re there!
Applications close Tuesday 29th May.