New night shelter for women opens

Christchurch City Mission now operates a small night shelter for seven women at Flat 1, 466 Cashel Street.

For many years the City Mission has operated a night shelter for men; now it is operating one (albeit a small one) for women facing homelessness.

Prospective residents need to present to the shelter at 5pm where an assessment interview with the Night Shelter Attendant will ascertain the need for accommodation and whether the woman can handle the shelter’s environment and rules (see details below).

There are three rooms; two with two beds one with three beds. None of the bedrooms have doors.The shelter closes at 8am.

No alcohol or non-prescribed substances are allowed on the premises and there are strict rules involving the handling, storage and use of prescribed medications.

An initial stay for up to two weeks is allowed and a social worker will meet with the woman to establish an on-going plan around their care and accommodation.

Residents need to bank $60 per week through the Christchurch CIty Mission Budget Worker and this will be made available when the woman leaves. This is not a solution for women dealing with domestic violence and abuse -the Women’s Refuge system remains in place for that.

For further information please telephone Service Supervisor Catherine Williamson
on 027 5211858.

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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