Will suburb boundaries be redrawn?

In the months before the September 4 earthquake moves were being made to clarify where the boundaries of St Albans lie and to clear up any confusion.

But then the earthquakes changed the landscape of eastern Christchurch and have pre-occupied staff ever since. Will they end up redrawing the boundaries of many more suburbs?

As far as St Albans is concerned, there is some confusion over where the current boundaries lie. Do they lie where they were historically, including bits we now would called Merivale or do they follow NZPost numbering which incorporates parts of Mairehau in the mix. Then there’s an area called Edgeware which is in the Northeastern quadrant but does not included Edgeware Village, which is named after the road.

A discussion on St Albans boundaries is the next community discussion at the Mairehau Library on April 9 and it is hoped that council reps, NZ post reps and members of the St Albans History group will be present.

Map showing St Albans boundaries and also St Albans News distribution area

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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