Land use plan up for urgent consultation

Ecan, the regional government currently being run by commissioners, has produced a LURP or land use recovery plan and now seek public comment until April 22.

The document is a bit longwinded and repetitive but if time is an issue look at the implementation plan, just before the glossary, as it gives a pretty good summary of who is doing what and by when.

The draft report feeds on other reports and when implemented the Land Use Regional Policy will be taken into account by other planners producing yet more documents. It does not cover the CBD redevelopment, which is CERA responsibility, but looks at the greater Christchurch as a whole post earthquakes (includes Rolleston, Lincoln, Kaiapoi, Woodend, Pegasus and Rangiora) identifying changing housing, transport and business needs for the next 10-15 years, attempting to co-ordinate these to make the best use of resources.

As part of the public consultation process, workshops are also being held at 455 Hagley Avenue on the mornings and evenings of April 10 and 11 and one or two other venues. The draft and feedback go to the Earthquake Minister in June. There is a sense of urgency because overseas experience has shown that substantial redevelopment needs to occur within three years of the disaster for successful recovery. It will be three years in September since the first of the damaging quakes hit.

For further information and to download the draft plan visit or phone 3539007 to be sent a hard copy.

There are some interesting aspects to this plan that will be covered in subsequent articles.

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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