Community discussion: boundaries of St Albans

Location: Mairehau Library, 42 Kensington Ave, St Albans.
Time: 7-8pm April 9
Description: The discussion this month focuses on the boundaries of St Albans. The historic suburb of St Albans had its boundaries defined in 1856 in the Black Maps. But since then bus routes, postcodes and lack of involvement of the residents in the naming given to these distribution areas has meant these boundaries have been blurred. Is St Albans losing its identity. What do the residents of St Albans think? Come along for a cuppa and a general discussion on the suburb of St Albans.

According to NZPost the NZ Geographic Board approves suburb names but no one has legal responsibility for deciding suburb boundaries. NZGB relies on the city council i.e.: CCC to define boundaries. Perhaps St Albans (or more likely the community board) should formally gazette its suburbs. This is what North Shore City did some years ago.

NZPost introduced postcodes about six years ago and uses these because it makes it easy for machines to read and sort mail. Suburbs are optional but still used to identify mail. NZPost keeps a list of addresses (common usage rather than legal ones) and suburbs on its database of addresses.

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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