Fletchers meets with St Albans locals

The Fletcher team had two meetings in Hendon Street, St Albans recently – one at 6 pm at night, the other at 8 am the following morning.

Hendon Street is a small cul–de–sac with an exit onto Cleveland Street. It was cut into two halves for several weeks while the work site spanned the road. During the February and June 2011 earthquakes, the eastern end was awash with liquefaction and in several places the footpath has washed away.

Tara King, communications lead for the Fletcher delivery team, said that around 20 people attended the evening meeting and another half dozen made the morning one. But given it is a small area, many residents got out to talk.

Residents, while keen to see the progress, also look forward to getting their driveways and parking access back. One resident needed to know when work would finish outside her gate so her contractors coming to repair her roof before winter would have good access.

Source: SCIRT newsletter

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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