Insurance disputes process failing Christchurch

Cancern says that the disputes process involving the insurance ombudsman is not working.

A recent CanCERN newsletter, compiled by Leanne Curtis, outlined some reasons:

  • Fears of being penalised if people complain to insurance companies and/or the ombudsman, resulting in few complaints being laid
  • Apparent lack of evidence of the ombudsman’s success in resolving disputes resulting in lack of confidence in the process
  • Lack of awareness that the case has reached the level of a dispute
  • Lack of leadership to ensure the residential rebuild is efficient, resolutions agreed to and actioned. CanCERN believes this is CERA’s role and it has fallen down on this aspect
  • Need for legal opinions on changes to policy interpretation, process or procedural changes
  • Need for education on what is meant by ‘sum insured’ so that homeowners are not disadvantaged by something done or not done

Cancern has met with the insurance ombudsman to pass on these concerns.

Source: this article is an edited version of an item in the CanCERN newsletter

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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