People with disabilities sought for documentary

The producers of television programme Attitude are on the lookout for people who live with disabilities and/or mental health issues so they show the non-clinical interventions offered by community groups to help with traumatic experiences.

“We want to meet a few people who are willing to share their stories on camera in order to not only help themselves but also many others, not only in Christchurch but throughout the nation who may be experiencing similar issues. we want to show viewers how to recognize Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and then show a range of services they can access. It’s also a story about the experience of the earthquakes and what/how the people have managed,” researcher Bryon says.

This is not a doom and gloom story or one that exploits what is going on in Christchurch. It aims to focus on moving forward and healing.

“I would also like to find out about non-clinical interventions that are happening throughout the city in order to assist people. Are there community groups for all ages offering them activities like co-op gardening, dance, theater, art therapies or similar?”

If you are keen to know more about this documentary or be part of it telling your story, please contact Bryon at or call him on 0276719990.

The television programme Attitude shows at 8.30am on Sundays. It is also available on demand through and can also be viewed on CTV.

Source: based on email from Attitude Pictures

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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