WEA Term 2 classes begin in early May

The WEA programme for term 2 is now available. The WEA, or Workers Educational Association, runs affordable and informal classes and talks for adults mornings, afternoons, evenings and weekends from their premises in Gloucester St.

Notable activities this term include:

  • Innovation in the Christchurch Rebuild, from 1.20-2.30pm on Wednesdays
  • The Ukraine and Russia, very topical given recent events, will be discussed on May 24 from 1-4pm
  • History of earthquakes
  • Goalsetting
  • Seniornet and SeniorNet Mac will combine for workshops on computers, iPads and other devices

There are classes on art, current affairs, dance, economics, environment, geology, health, music, personal development, science and technology, recreation, travel, creative writing and play reading.

For further information and to enrol contact the WEA. They have a website at cwea.org.nz to phone 3660285 weekdays before 3.30pm.

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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