April/May edition St Albans News available

St Albans News April/May 2015Find out why the St Albans market, being held in the Beulah car park, closed down after a month (this does not bode well for replacing the market that used to run in English Park pre-quakes), how to get help on stalled insurance cases with Breakthrough, the high energy Polyfest held in Westminster Park, and what some of the schools and pre-schools have been up to this past month. The community-minded residents of Mersey St came together for a party (and it wasn’t even part of Neighbourhood Week) and showed everyone how to be more neighbourly. And lots more.

In your letterbox this weekend or during the week or you can read it online, page by page, by clicking on the cover image to the right.

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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