St Albans News October/November edition online

OctobercoverThere’s lots happening in St Albans at the moment. Housing NZ is building new accommodation on part of the former Orion site to replace units lost in the earthquakes, we visit a Hindu festival held at the community centre, find out about a smartphone app you can use to complain to the City Council about potholes and people parking on footpaths. The residents association has been granted nearly $25,000 in CCC funding, St Albans resident Sue Dwan starts a series of articles, aimed at business owners mainly designed to make their lives a bit easier. Local historian (and sleuth) Brian Spear did some digging online and solved a mystery by finding out that the Springfield Brewery morphed into the (long-defunct) St Albans Brewery. October/November edition of St Albans News (a bumper issue at 20 pages) is being delivered this week and is now online. Click on the image on the right.

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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