Infrastructure repairs in St Albans

Edgeware Road, between Hills Rd and Geraldine St will be one way for three months from April 26 for wastewater repairs at the Edgeware Rd/Champion St intersection. Eastbound traffic will be detoured into Edward Ave and Barbadoes St.

Warrington St, between Francis Ave and Barbadoes St, is one-way eastbound until Sunday 15 May. The detour for westbound traffic is Barbadoes St, Edward Ave, Forfar St and back onto Warrington.

For six weeks SCIRT is repairing road and footpaths in Warrington St between Hills Rd and Woodville Street. Two-way traffic will be maintained but there will be lane shifts.

Barbadoes St is one-way southbound between Canon St and Bealey Ave for about two more weeks. For northbound traffic the alternative route is Madras St, Canon St, and back to Barbadoes St.

Information supplied by SCIRT

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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