Dr Cynthia Roberts – regional council candidate

Pure artesian drinking water, waterways we can once again swim in and a seabed and coastline protected from contamination and over-extraction is on everyone’s list. As is a low-carbon transport system that delivers. A healthy environment is essential to our wellbeing. So how can these goals be achieved and how do you choose between the candidates to deliver on these?

My background is in ecology (as a scientist for DOC), education (teaching and management, Christchurch Polytechnic), business (eco-tourism operator) and community work (Trustee Rod Donald Banks Peninsula Trust; Christchurch 360Trail).

In voting for me, and my team of Lan Pham and Steve Lowndes, you’ll get skilled people in science and ecology with a proven record of collaborating to create flourishing communities while protecting and restoring native habitat.

For more information on the values that we are committed to such as transparency and kaitiakitanga (sustainability with stewardship) and our policy visit http://www.thepeopleschoice.org.nz/environment-canterbury

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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