Election stats

According to statistics on the elections.org.nz website an estimated 79.32 per cent of voters in the Christchurch Central electorate that encompasses St Albans, have registered to vote as at September 17. The percentage is an estimate as the population figures are based on the 2013 census. Enrolment levels are highest amongst those aged 70+, with 95.1 per cent enrolled on the general roll for Christchurch Central. Those aged 35-70 also were highly likely to be enrolled (80%+) but numbers dropped down to a disappointing 53 per cent amongst 18-24 year olds. That age group contributed the largest number of enrolled voters in the Te Tai Tonga (or southern Maori) electorate living in Christchurch with 388 of the 1823 total voters from all age groups already signed up.

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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