Garden City 2.0 – a new project

The Avon-Otakaro Network (AvON) would like to introduce you to a new project initiated by the Canterbury Community Gardens Association (CCGA):  Garden City 2.0

The CCGA wants to hear from people or groups interested or involved in community gardening and local food initiatives and how CCGA can support greater connectivity around the topic of ‘Community Food’, particularly in the east. This better understanding will help CCGA to coordinate ongoing support and organise successful events.

The vision for Garden City 2.0 is to activate a community food culture and practical learning opportunities in the local communities of Christchurch.

Share this message with any person or organisation you think should be informed.

Find more about Garden City 2.0 on Facebook. Find more about Garden City 2.0 on Twitter.

All your thoughts and ideas are welcome.

Bailey Peryman Project Worker – Garden City 2.0 (03) 326 6927 or 021 122 7638 Email Garden City 2.0

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