TC3 Awareness Campaign starts 16 July

To make the public more aware of issues facing TC3 residents CanCERN is organizing a letter writing campaign starting on Monday, July 16.

Residents are encouraged to write Letters to the Editor of the Press. “Letters can ask the questions, express the feelings, or just highlight the reality of the situation. Facts are great. Solutions are important. Take the opportunity to direct the questions to all of the
authorities who have a role in the rebuild of your home and community,” the latest CanCERN newsletter suggests.

There are approx 10,000 TC3 houses with foundation damage getting the answers has been an uphill battle. Another 18 000 TC3 households have no foundation damage. Green/Blue has become the new ‘limbo’ according to the CanCERN TC3 subgroup behind the campaign.
“The lack of visibility of TC3 residents and the reality of their situation is
something that needs to be addressed alongside getting acceptable and timely
responses to the priority questions.”

Letters are meant to be 150 words or less and should be spread out across the week to maximise impact. Email letters to or post them to The Editor, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch Mail Centre 8140 or fax to 3594216. You need to supply your actual name, a postal address and phone number.

Letters can also be written to community Boards to ask what they are doing for their local area – details of your Board reps can be found at

CanCERN also suggests copying letters to to local MPs especially National MPs as they are in government and cc your local MP as well if different.

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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