Council runs school holiday programmes

The city council will be running recreational programmes at venues in Bromley and Linwood and craft or computer-based activities at the Upper Riccarton and New Brighton Libraries during the October School holidays.

A programme has been tailored to 5-13 year olds and may attract a winz subsidy (for some children). Each day costs $22.50 per child. Find out about the programme here.

Upper Riccarton and New Brighton libraries will also be running half day or whole day sessions on a variety of topics including claymation and tapa art. Costs vary from $7 to $22.Find out more information here.

Registrations can be made by phoning 941 8888 or the Deaf Community only can fax (03 941 8033)

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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