Local hero commends St Albans community spirit

Lucas Lormans rescued a neighbour from a house fire recently and commented on the community spirit in St Albans in a Press Reader Report on September 26.

“We do look out for each other in Christchurch – this sense has grown stronger since the quakes, no question, but prior to that the people within the St Albans community have always looked out for each other. I just saw this event as another occasion of Christchurch community spirit in action. Just like the neighbour from across the road who looked after my daughter for me while my wife and I talked to emergency services. Or our other neighbour who ran a power cord to the units behind the one that was burnt after Orion cut the power for safety reasons.”

We would like to hear your comments on the community spirit in St Albans. Are there more examples of the way neighbours helped each other out before and after the earthquakes?

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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