Changes to city bus routes

The new Blue Line Orbiter-style bus service linking Rangiora and Princess Margaret Hospital via Papanui and Merivale starts running on December 3.

The bus service,
which will run every 15 minutes, is part of Metro’s rebuild focus on connecting suburban areas and providing a better service. Other bus routes may be renumbered or rerouted. Also planned are hubs in Northlands, Riccarton and Linwood (Eastgate). These will begin as sheltered seats and may grow in time to mini exchanges.

Earlier Metro announced that buses would be restricted to seven routes in the inner city with hubs at the Hospital corner and in Manchester Street near Gloucester Street. Tuam Street is likely to replace Lichfield Street as a one way street with the new bus exchange on the site of the old CCC building/Millers department Store.

With more suburban hubs may come more changes of buses to get to destinations but the changes will reduce dependence on the inner city bus routes.

Changes are also planned to the No 18 bus route (St Albans to Huntsbury)

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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