Whakamana Hauora day promotes health

Rehua Marae at 79 Springfield Road is holding its first Whakamana Hauora day on February 27 to uplift Māori health and wellbeing through Kōrero and Mātauranga.

The day begins with a Powhiri at 9.30am, followed by presentations in the Wharenui by health and wellbeing organisations. Promotion stalls will be in the Wharekai at lunchtime. Traditional Maori games or Ātea will be held after lunch. The day finishes with Poroporoake at 2.30pm.

To book some space for a (free) stall or for further information contact Maori health promoter Emma Rawson,from Community and Public Health on 3786 808 or Rehua Marae Administration Manager Elena Gapper on 3555 615 or email egapper@rehua.org.nz

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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