Walk/Run 4 Autism Awareness

Location: North Hagley Park
Time: October 20 from 10 am
Description: Autism New Zealand’s Canterbury/West Coast Branch is running its popular Walk/Run 4 Autism Awareness, a non-competitive event for all ages. Participants have a choice of distances: 2.5km, 5km or 10km. The event will be run whatever the conditions, wet or fine. Following the walk/run there is an entertainments area to check out. Further details and application forms are now available here. If you don’t want to walk, volunteers and marshalls are also needed. Please phone (03) 343 2225 or email steve.potter@autismnz.org.nz to volunteer.

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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