Edgeware plan open for comment

The city council’s plan for Edgeware is open for comment until April 10 and the council wants to hear what people think about wider footpaths, the proposed cycle route through Trafalgar Street, paved roading and shared space at the corner of Edgeware Road and Colombo Street.

The plan is available to view at open service centres and libraries and online at www.ccc.govt.nz/haveyoursay

City Planning Unit Manager Brigitte de Ronde says the feedback received on the Plan will help guide any modifications to the Plan to make sure it best reflects the local community’s aspirations and hopes for the future of the centre.

“We are keen to hear about any aspect of the Plan, but particularly on what people think of widened footpaths and the shared space concept within the Village Centre. This idea accommodates cyclists travelling along the proposed major cycleway between the Central City and the northern suburbs via Colombo Street and Trafalgar Street. We would also like to know whether people like the idea of a paved, raised road at the same level as the foothpath. This is designed to encourage traffic to slow down – reinforcing a pedestrian focus for the Village Centre.

“We would also like feedback on whether the ideas for future private developments are achievable. These ideas include encouraging more intensive two-storey development along the road frontage, with new parking areas to the rear,” she says.

The completed submission form can be:

emailed to EdgewareVillageMP@ccc.govt.nz, posted to Freepost 178 Draft Edgeware Village Master PlanStrategy and Planning Group Christchurch City CouncilPO Box 73012 Christchurch 8154 or hand delivered to Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street.

The Council is also holding drop-in sessions where people can view the Plan, discuss its content with Council staff and make submissions:

Saturday 9 March, 10.30am-2pm Beulah Church, 140-146 Springfield Road, St Albans.

Wednesday 13 March, 3.30pm-7pm ASB Football Park (former English Park Stadium), 127 Cranford Street, St Albans.

For more information visit www.ccc.govt.nz/suburbancentres.

Source: CCC media release

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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