Wastewater repairs Innes Rd/Cranford St

Traffic may get even more congested at peak periods in Cranford St and Innes Rd for one week, while wastewater repairs are carried out in the area from January 19.

Wastewater repairs were carried out in the area in 2014 but further investigation work identified that two small sections of publicly-owned wastewater laterals needed to be relaid along part of Cranford Street and Innes Road.

Work will be done during the day and at nights and is expected to take a week.

A one way system will operate during the evenings, between 8.00pm and 6.30am, and drivers are requested to follow the signage. Pedestrians may need to use the other side of the road.

During the day two-way traffic will be maintained and a 30km/h speed restriction implemented for safety reasons. This is likely to create further congestion issues at peak times.

SCIRT is about half way through its repair plan, with another two years to run, so look forward to 2017.

Source: some of the information has come from a bulletin issued by SCIRT

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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