Poems and politics

dorapoemfenceShe may be a budding politician but Dora Roimata Langsbury also writes poetry. This one about her father is one of the poems published on boards in Victoria St.

My Father’s Footsteps

I can see you up ahead of me
I am following
in your footsteps
no matter how fast I walk
I cannot catch up
your footsteps are bigger than mine
but they were warm
and safe to step in
you turn around
and smile encouragingly
then return to your journey
thank you for your footsteps
when I can no longer see you
they will always be here
pointing me in the right direction

Dora Roimata Langsbury
27 June 2009.

About belinda

Involved with St Albans Community Resource Centre and NeighbourNet since 1997
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